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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Why should I say something? They look like a Christian.

You've thought this haven't you?  I know I have.  I have passed on opportunities to share my faith with someone because they appeared to be a normal looking, moral, upstanding person.

When I was in junior high, my church would have a "Friendship Sunday."  It was the one Sunday out of the year that we were supposed to bring a friend to church.  Now, I know it wasn't the only Sunday to do this, but it was the one Sunday we were really encouraged to bring a friend to church.  

My grandparents encouraged me to invite "Matt" to church.  I hemmed and hawed and said, "No, I am sure he goes to his own church."  You see, Matt was a similar to me.  We both did fairly well in school.  We had fun in the lunchroom.  We enjoyed wearing ties now and then - you remember the skinny, knit ones that were square at the bottom, cool ties like that.  I figured if Matt and I shared all these other things, certainly we must share the same faith.  

Yes. I know.  The logic in that is amazing.  

But, isn't that similar to the logic we use when shying away from talking with a friend, neighbor or coworker about Jesus.  Unfortunately - normal looking, moral, and upstanding don't get someone a ticket to paradise.

It wasn't until Matt started asking me questions about the Bible that I began to realize that he didn't know Jesus.  Unfortunately, he moved soon after we started these conversations.  I pray someone else was able to continue that conversation because no matter how good of a person Matt, or anyone else, is that doesn't get them into heaven.

God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.  For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. - Ephesians 2:8-10

God saves us.  We don't save ourselves.  We can't work or earn our way to heaven.  If that were possible, Jesus wouldn't have died on the cross and rose again to pave the way for us.  Heaven is a gift God gives us.  We do good things and live godly lives because we have the gift of heaven.

So, next time you have a friend who appears to be normal, moral, and upstanding - ask them what they did last Sunday and maybe invite them to join you this next Sunday.

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